суббота, 12 ноября 2016 г.


Sometimes people - curse them - ask me to tell them about myself. What can I tell to you? I'm not a famous person, I'm not a blogger, etc. My life is empty like a space. I'm a silent men.

The first part of my life I spend in a bus. You know, public transport is the greatest place on Earth. Stupid human nature is revealed here totally: egoists, hypocrites, and "defenders" of human rights. When I look at their faces, I come up with names and life scripts for them. It's funny to be "God" (if it exists, sure). And every time I keep asking myself: what if they could be my friend, how did I treat them?

The second part of my life is home. For me, home is not a place, where I can be myself. I try to be an exemplary son without personal interests; interests must not contradict to my mother and father. I try to be an exemplary son, who hasn't idols, another religion and philosophical and political views. Therefore I have a second life. All my friends and other people live with me in my world. For them I’m completely another human. So do you have any questions «why am I fucking strange, ah»? Could you live in the two universes at once? You don't have the guts to be what you want to be!

The third, and the main, part relates to PLACEBO. PLACEBO WORLD. Ten years your music help me to remember who I am, for what reason I’m still alive, and why I should live. Sentimental… I met a few fantastic and indispensable people and now can’t wonder my life without them. I’m popular in small communities, where people are glad to see me. When I was in Moscow I talked with fans of Placebo and The Mirror Trap. I’m a very, very happy to hear that I have similarities with Molko (yep, my character is difficult like his, nice)… What about The Mirror Trap… These guys are second Placebo in my life. But I can not just listen to their songs, I can communicate with them, my personal Scottish friends. Yeah, it sounds good, but I have wall of deterrent of subordination and personal life. I’m pretty sure, my problems and my real life is hardly interested.

For the first post, I think, it would be enough.


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